Meet Sleigh Bells - the most hyped indie band of the year. This has happened for a number of reasons:
1. they are on MIA's record label
2. they hail from Brooklyn (as do Vampire Weekend, MGMT, Dirty Projectors) and
3. Pitchfork gave them 8.7 out of 10.
Well, believe the hype.
"Infinity Guitars" was my first taste of the album, and it's brain-sprayingly good. The guitar riff is playful, yet dirty - comparisons to Deerhoof are valid. The drum sound is tremendous - handclaps and sleigh bells (yup!) right up in the mix. Alexis Krauss' vocal is ferocious throughout - she's singing something about 'cowboys and indians', but that doesn't really matter. The overall result is hardcore, catchy and oodles of fun.
Please, do not adjust the volume on your speakers while listening to this song.
i love this album, all the songs are so catchy. and it sounds awesome through a large set of headphones on the train.